Cyanuric Acid (CYA) Is Also Commonly referred to as pool #stablilzer. It Acts As The Sunscreen To Protect Your Pools Chlorine from evaporating, a problem commonly faced here in South Florida. Conditioner in a #pool acts hand in hand with chlorine. Too Little and you will find yourself constantly having to add chlorine from evaporation. Too much and the chlorine will loose its ability to sanitize and become useless. Keeping a Proper level will allow your pool to maintain an adequate level of chlorine though out the week. It needs to be Just Right.
Too Many Clients & even pool pros we have seen use chlorine tablets weekly jacking up levels of CYA. Once CYA levels reach 100ppm plus the pool is no longer a safe swimming area and chlorine becomes ineffective allowing algae blooms and bacteria to thrive. CYA Can Come In Liquid, Powder or a granular form. The Best Way to Add it to the pool is through a granular form in a pool sock and allow it to dissolve. CYA can also be added through Chlorine tri-chlor Tablets over time but you must be careful to monitor proper levels.
CYA is a very important tool in proper water chemistry in your pool. If your confused Leave it to the pros. Clients often spend more money at the pool store in buying chemicals trying to figure it out themselves than to have us come and do a full service. Here At Beachview Property Services Pool & Spa we have the know how you need! Give Us A Call!